Friday, January 20, 2017

Giveaway Participant List

Hello participants of #ribs2017pinhole

If you quoted my tweet with the hashtag and do not see your name here, pls contact me on twitter - @ribnar.

I want to make sure twitter's sometimes random quirkiness does not affect your chances to win the giveaway! I will keep updating this list once every few days till the Feb22nd morning.

Participant Names (updated Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:30pm US Central)

This giveaway is now over and we have a winner

  1. Diz@DizzyCow @dizd
  2. Richard Pickup ‏@richard_pickup 
  3. Victor Bezrukov ‏@victorbezrukov
  4. Dustin Veitch ‏@FaultyFlipFlap
  5. Gemma ‏@gemmythegreat
  6. II ‏@3eyedmonster
  7. rpmad ‏@shuttergrinch
  8. Ian Bartlett ‏@ibartlett13_ian
  9. Duncan Waldron ‏@ozalba
  10. James Cockroft ‏@jam_esc
  11. David S Allen ‏@DBloomsday 
  12. Ktwenge M ‏@ktwenge 
  13. achatain ‏@achatainfr
  14. Mike Dillon ‏@anywhereSF
  15. Kristopher Matheson ‏@krismatheson
  16. David Wilkinson ‏@davewilkinson5
  17. Nick Hune ‏@Nickfredhune
  18. Physical Grain ‏@physicalgrain
  19. Ray Larose ‏@zen_bones
  20. Isaac F. Lagarda ‏@IsaacLagarda
  21. david simpson ‏@octopossum
  22. Adi W ‏@adiw1202
  23. Massimiliano M ‏@emmef2 
  24. Ian Christie ‏@ianchristieinfo
  25. Gregory Antikian ‏@GregAntikian
  26. Ben Soto ‏@thecalifaskid
  27. Snarky Sadie ‏@QueenErin
  29. セリーナ ‏@cellery_
  30. Martin W Smith ‏@westen30
  31. PanAm Style ‏@PanamStyle
  32. Rui da Silva ‏@ryusilva
  33. Ashley B Williams ‏@Grumpyfck 
  34. Stephen Curry ‏@scurrymann
  35. whatsbehindthat‏ @whatsbehindthat
  36. Tim Massie ‏@ctwphoto
  37. Matt P @mparry1234
  38. Monika ‏@DrMarsRover
  39. Tim Dobbs @timdobbsphoto
  40. Just Walked By ‏@bo47nielsen 
  41. Grant Meyer ‏@grantmeyerphoto
  42. Sean Laughlin ‏@Slaughlin
  43. snk ‏@smilesnkisses
  44. jasjit ‏@JasjitCo
  45. Steph ‏@StephPhotoGeek
  46. Alveoli Photography ‏@alveoliphoto
  47. Elias Rangel ‏@eliasrangel 
  48. Claudio Gomboli ‏@gomboli
  49. Pajamas ‏@pjdejesus  
  50. edwardconde @edwardconde_
  51. Neil Waybright @neilwaybright
  52. Andrew Keedle @apkeedle
  53. Jef Price @JefPrice
  54. Mollusk ‏@MolluskTshirt
  55. Bill McCarroll @BillMcCarroll
  56. s e l y f r i d a y‏@selyfriday
  57. Dan Smith‏@DanSmith74
  58. Darren Rose‏@winterrosephoto
  59. airzone‏ @airzoneuk
  60. Kevin Collins‏ @KevinCollins00
  61. Amy Davis‏ @mchm_photomom
  62. Charles Vandergriff ‏@CHVandergriff 
  63. Alun B. Beardsley‏ @AlunBeard
  64. calor_gas_terry ‏@calor_gas_terry
  65. Giacomo Frullani‏ @giacomofrullani 
  66. Antonio F‏ @iamtheregulator

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